Sunday, March 6, 2011

Practice- The crucial 'P' of Marketing....

I believe that Marketing is something which has to be learnt while practicing. 4Ps, 7Ps or 8Ps of Marketing mix will not be sufficient for the Success in Marketing if it is not practiced and therefore irrespective of any number of Ps we add on to the Marketing mix, one must focus on this crucial 'P' i.e. 'Practice'. Well, this cannot be taught in any Great University, nor can it be taught by any Marketing Guru. Those who practiced it, became the Masters of their Businesses. Look at Bill Gates who marketed DOS; look at Steve Jobs who marketed Apple Computers; look at Richard Branson who marketed Virgin; look at Kishore Biyani who marketed Future Group and the list can go on. All of them have one thing in common. They are Street smart marketers. They are not pioneers but clear winners. Whether their products were innovated in their company or copied from the Market, they Marketed it like no other did. It is in Practical Marketing we get to travel in to the minds of the Customers. The knowledge acquired from the customer insights is the foundation for a Breakthrough product which leads to success. So, Let's Practice Marketing.

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